I live in a relatively quiet town of Piscataway in New Jersey.  The township is mostly blue.  Which means that anyone running on a democratic ticket is most likely to win.

The mayor of this township is running for the 6th term.  Most people in the township are not happy with this mayor's leadership, yet he keeps winning.  It's not like there is a shortage of well qualified folks for this post.  So, how does he do that?  The answer is simple.  Once he wins the democratic primary, he might as well open the champagne bottle in July.

This is where the rigging comes into play.  Note that nothing is illegal about it, but it should be.  This is how the democratic primary ballot for 2020 looks like.

Obviously, all the candidates are democrats.  However, column B sticks out more because of stalwart names like Vice President Biden, Senator Booker, and Congressman Pallone.  This visual association gives Mayor Wahler an undue advantage over his opponents.  Take a look at the visuals below and tell me which path looks less complicated to a human brain.


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Piscataway, New Jersey, United States
I am an electrical engineer by education and a software developer by profession. I like building electro-mechanical models. I also like grilling and barbecuing with passion. To burn my beer cals, I swim and run. I usually post my DIY projects on: http://www.instructables.com/member/kabira/
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