With this post, I am starting a new segment called, "We are not worthy!" The segment is essentially to honor ordinary people who create. When I see the creativity of such people, it makes me humble and I simply want to say, "I am not worthy!" Let me make something clear, I will never consider Arianna Huffington and Deepak Chopra for this honor, in spite of their accomplishments. That is a topic for another day.
After my wife banned me from doing any woodworking activity in the garage, I was looking for some alternatives, like building a woodworking shed etc. A few googling attempts landed me to Kevin Brady's woodworking site about how he built a woodworking shop from scratch in his back yard. I looked at everything this guy had done in the past, and he has done a lot. The remarkable quote which caught my attention on his site was, "Stuff That Matters!" It says it all. Kevin does it all, not for fame, not for money, he does it because he loves doing it.
So, this segment of "We are not worthy" is dedicated to Kevin Brady! Kevin, thanks for sharing your creativity with the rest of us.
After my wife banned me from doing any woodworking activity in the garage, I was looking for some alternatives, like building a woodworking shed etc. A few googling attempts landed me to Kevin Brady's woodworking site about how he built a woodworking shop from scratch in his back yard. I looked at everything this guy had done in the past, and he has done a lot. The remarkable quote which caught my attention on his site was, "Stuff That Matters!" It says it all. Kevin does it all, not for fame, not for money, he does it because he loves doing it.
So, this segment of "We are not worthy" is dedicated to Kevin Brady! Kevin, thanks for sharing your creativity with the rest of us.
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