If you work with sql server, I am sure you know the pains associated with the referential integrity. Try deleting a top level row and you soon realize that a dozen related rows need to be deleted too. I am updating this blog today because a lot of people misunderstood the purpose of finding out the table dependencies. It is not just about doing the deletes, may be you want to know want to know how deep the rabbit hole is (God, I love this analogy from the Matrix.) For understanding a complex data structure there is nothing better than doing top to bottom analysis of all related entities (tables.) A reverse engineering ERD tool like Visio will do the job as well. My script does the same and you do not need Visio. The script finds all the referential dependencies for a table. It needs schema name and the table name. In the example below, I am getting all dependencies for Production.Product table in the AdventureWorks database. The script does not support composite primary keys (primary key containing several columns.)
The following is the output of this script:
begin -- Use this script to find the dependencies of tables. -- Set the following two variables. -- #################################################### declare @TableSchema varchar(255)='Production' declare @TableName varchar(255)='Product' -- #################################################### declare @nCnt1 int declare @nCnt2 int declare @Crsr cursor declare @PKTable varchar(255) declare @Msg varchar(255) declare @Tab table ( [Owner] varchar(255), PKTable varchar(255), PKColumn varchar(255), FKOwner varchar(255), FKTable varchar(255), FKColumn varchar(255), Id int identity, Priority int) set nocount on select @nCnt1=1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_name=@TableName and table_schema=@TableSchema if @@rowcount=0 begin set @Msg='No table found '+@TableName raiserror (@Msg,16,1) with nowait end delete @Tab insert into @Tab ( [Owner], PKTable, PKColumn) SELECT @TableSchema, @TableName, column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS TC INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS KU ON TC.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY' and TC.CONSTRAINT_NAME = KU.CONSTRAINT_NAME and ku.table_name=@TableName and tc.table_schema=@TableSchema and ku.table_schema=@TableSchema ORDER BY KU.TABLE_NAME, KU.ORDINAL_POSITION while 1=1 begin select @nCnt1=Count(*) from @Tab insert into @Tab ( [Owner], PKTable, PKColumn, FKOwner, FKTable, FKColumn) select pk.table_schema as pkowner, pk.table_name as pktable, pk.column_name as pkcolumn, fk.table_schema as fkowner, fk.table_name as fktable, fk.column_name as fkcolumn from information_schema.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS c, information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE fk, information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE pk where c.constraint_schema=fk.constraint_schema and c.constraint_name=fk.constraint_name and c.unique_constraint_schema=pk.constraint_schema and c.unique_constraint_name=pk.constraint_name and pk.ordinal_position=fk.ordinal_position and pk.table_name in ( select PKTable from @Tab union select FKTable from @Tab) and not exists ( select 1 from @Tab t where t.[Owner]=pk.table_schema and t.PKTable=pk.table_name and t.PKColumn=pk.column_name and t.FKOwner=fk.table_schema and t.FKTable=fk.table_name and t.FKColumn=fk.column_name) and 1=1 order by pk.table_schema, pk.table_name, pk.ordinal_position select @nCnt2=Count(*) from @Tab if @nCnt1=@nCnt2 break end update @Tab set [Priority]=[Id] update @Tab set [Priority]=mx.[Id] from @Tab t join ( select x.FKTable, Max(x.Id) as [Id] from @Tab x group by x.FKTable) mx on mx.FKTable=t.FKTable select PKTable, PKColumn, FKTable, FKColumn, [Priority] from @Tab order by [Priority], [Id] end go
The following is the output of this script:
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