Sql server will not let you dropa table if it has default contraints (like default values for columns.)
This script will let you find them.
1. Determine the constraint name.
2. Generate dynamic sql to drop the constraint. Assume that the table name is MyTable and the column name is MyColumn.
3. Re-create the constraint with the desired default value. Assume that the new default value should be 33.
This script will let you find them.
1. Determine the constraint name.
if object_id('[dbo].[GetDefaultConstraintName]') is not null drop function [dbo].[GetDefaultConstraintName] go create function [dbo].[GetDefaultConstraintName] ( @TableName varchar(max), @ColumnName varchar(max)) returns varchar(max) as begin -- Returns the name of the default constraint for a column declare @Command varchar(max) select @Command = d.name from (( sys.tables t join sys.default_constraints d on d.parent_object_id = t.object_id) join sys.columns c on c.object_id = t.object_id and c.column_id = d.parent_column_id) where t.name = @TableName and c.name = @ColumnName return @Command end go
2. Generate dynamic sql to drop the constraint. Assume that the table name is MyTable and the column name is MyColumn.
execute ('alter table MyTable drop constraint '+ [dbo].[GetDefaultConstraintName]('MyTable','MyColumn'))
3. Re-create the constraint with the desired default value. Assume that the new default value should be 33.
alter table MyTable add constraint [DF_MyTable_MyColumn] default (33) for MyColumn
I miss MySQL so much... :(